Here is Naoya’s portfolio website.



  • Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2023: The University of Tokyo, Japan, Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Mar. 2023 - current: The University of Tokyo, Japan, Master of Computer Science

Skill levels

Level Description
4 I have a lot of experience with it and I can handle it easily.
3 Although I have used it several times, it takes me a while to get used to it again because of the long blank period.
2 I have a little experience of using it, but I can use it.
1 I have little experience of using it and do not have the confidence to work primarily with it.

Programming languages, frameworks and libraries

Languages, frameworks, etc. Levels
C, C++ 4
Java 4
— Swing 4
Python 4
— Pytorch 4
— Keras, Tensorflow 2
OCaml 3
C# 2
JavaScript 2
- Vue 2
TypeScript 2
Kotlin 2
SystemVerilog 1
x64 Assembly Language 1


Applications Levels
Blender 4
Docker 3
AndroidStudio 3
Unity 3
Vivado 1


  • Exploring Weight Balancing on Long-Tailed Recognition Problem

  • Test-time Adaptation Meets Image Enhancement: Improving Accuracy via Uncertainty-aware Logit Switching

    • Authors:  Shohei Enomoto, Naoya Hasegawa, Kazuki Adachi, Taku Sasaki, Shin’ya Yamaguchi, Satoshi Suzuki, Takeharu Eda
    • Conference: IJCNN2024
    • Links: ArXiv


  • TOEFL iBT … 92 / 120 (April 2022)

Internship experience

  • Aug. 2022 - Sept. 2022: I did a research internship on domain adaptation in deep learning models at NTT Laboratories (NTT研究所). For more information, please click here (sorry, this article is in Japanese).
  • Aug. 2023 - Sept. 2023: I did a research internship with the entertainment team on the theme of “Application of Deep Learning to Creative Work” at Preferred Networks, Inc.

Field of interest

Machine learning,Image processing.
I particularly prefer to solve more general, practical but difficult problem setups, e.g. when the distribution of the training data is skewed (imbalanced learning).


Slides used in my circle workshops, lightning talks, etc. are available on this page. Sorry, all slides are in Japanese.


My developments are summarized here.