Simulator for our home-built CPU (CLI, GUI)

Our undergraduate curriculum includes “Processor and Compiler Lab” in which students design and develop CPUs from scratch in groups. This is a simulator that behaves in the same way as our group’s CPU, which we have created. The simulator has been improved over nearly six months by providing GUI software to facilitate debugging by group members and adding various functions such as a rewind function and memory access count ranking.

Language C++ (CLI)
Java (GUI)
Lines About 5,000 (CLI)
About 2,400 (GUI)

Electronic Note Softs

ImageToPDF is a combination of GUI software (ImageToPDF) on PC and an application (ImageSender) on Android. You can send photos of blackboards taken with ImageSender to ImageToPDF, add writing to them, and then compile them into a PDF file.

Language Java
Lines About 1,000 (ImageToPDF)
About 500 (ImageSender)
GitHub ImageToPDF, ImageSender

GAN Annotation Tool

This software assists in annotating image pairs for GAN. For example, you can use it to create a dataset for a model for image-to-image translation, in which two images are paired and record the difference between one and the other domain as an annotation.

Language Java
Lines About 1,700
GitHub GANAnnotationTool

Font Creator

This GAN model outputs images of different characters in the same font by inputting multiple images of the same font. This is the first GAN model I have developed by combining several existing models.

Language Python
Lines About 3,200
GitHub FontCreator

Secondhand Annotator

I have developed this annotation tool for rule-based classification. It tags automatically already registered tags and can combine multiple words into a single tag.

Framework Vue.js
Lines About 800
GitHub Secondhand Annotator