Slides used in my circle workshops, lightning talks, etc. are available on this page. Sorry, but all slides are in Japanese.

Deep learning from scratch

These slides were prepared for first-year university students in response to requests to learn about the theoretical aspects of deep learning. It explains how learning works using error back-propagation, as well as other basic innovations that make learning more efficient.

Computational complexity theory

I gave a workshop on theory as a mathematical way of measuring the intrinsic difficulty of computation, touching on complexity classes such as P, NP, etc., up to NP-completeness and its reductions, and strong NP-difficulties.

Introduction to Android applications

Slides from our workshop for beginners on how to develop Android applications, showing how to use AndroidStudio, Java and Kotlin syntax, and how to create simple applications.

Introduction to Lex, YACC

These are slides used in our workshop on Lex and YACC, which compile lexical analyzers and parsers that are the fundamental part of compilers. The slides briefly summarize the usage of Lex and YACC, as well as the theory underlying the compiler.

Getting Started with Prodel

These slides are about Produire, a Japanese programming language. The main focus of the presentation was on the characteristics of Produire, which are very different from those of other programming languages, and we created a simple application.